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How Michael Todd Beauty makes personalized email LPs in <2 hours and at 1/10 the cost of an agency

Harris Gani
Harris Gani
Michael Todd Beauty uses Viddy to create Video Landing Pages (VLPs) at a fraction of the cost and time that it typically takes to create custom landing pages.

Brand Background

Michael Todd Beauty was co-founded by entrepreneurs Lewis Hendler (formerly co-founded SCÜNCI the world’s best-known hair accessory brand), Michael Friend, and Lilia Friend.

Michael Todd Beauty is a maker of award-winning at-home beauty devices and organic skincare products. They offer a complete destination category of beauty devices designed from an aesthetic and functional perspective to meet the needs and concerns of today’s skincare customer while reinventing the shopping experience for the skincare customer of tomorrow.

The Problem

Michael Todd Beauty frequently runs email campaigns / flows to drive additional sales as a core part of their marketing strategy. A good email campaign / flow requires a good landing page to have optimal conversion rate. Building unique & personalized landing pages repeatedly for emails is an expensive task from both a time and cost perspective.

The Solution

Michael Todd Beauty uses Viddy to create Video Landing Pages (VLPs) at a fraction of the cost and time that it typically takes to create custom landing pages.

  • Time Savings: VLPs take 30min-2hours to create compared to the 2-4 weeks it typically takes to make a traditional LP.
  • Cost Savings: VLPs are <1/10th the cost of an agency or building in-house.

Apart from the time and cost savings, they also value that Viddy enables them to give their customers both a unique experience and variety of content via email and SMS channels.

Creating Video Landing Pages with Viddy was very straightforward. Viddy has pre-made CRO optimized templates for core landing page use cases. All Michael Todd Beauty had to do was send us the video they wanted to use and the product they wanted to feature. After this, the Video Landing Page was ready to use in < 2 hours.

Here’s what one of their Video Landing Pages (VLP) looks like:

The Results of the Video Landing Page on Email Performance

Michael Todd Beauty has used Viddy’s Video Landing Pages for multiple email campaigns / flows and has seen consistent performance that matches their baseline performance. Since using Video Landing Pages is a significantly lower lift than building custom LPs in-house or paying an agency, Michael Todd Beauty is doubling down by testing them for more of their products in other email campaigns / flows.

In addition to this, Michael Todd Beauty is also starting to A/B test video content within the Video Landing Pages to understand what type of content their customers best resonate with so they can continue to improve performance over time.