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Personalized landing pages that drive more abandon cart revenue

Harris Gani
Harris Gani
We’ve built ways to make personalized Video LPs specifically for email/sms channels in <20min. We’ve made templates around core sms/email use cases.

I signed up for 500 brands’ abandoned cart/browse flows and was surprised to see 95% redirect back to the PDP (product page) in their email/sms messages….this is severely under-optimized.

The #1 reason buyers abandon is they haven’t been convinced from the brand’s PDP that the product is worth it. Directing back to a PDP isn’t very effective since you’re showing the exact same content the shopper literally just saw.

I think showing a personalized landing page (LP) with NEW content such as video testimonials, founding stories, and product demos is far more compelling to the buyer. This seems obvious…so why aren’t brands using LPs for their email/sms traffic?

I spoke to dozens of email/sms marketers and found they don’t have bandwidth to create LPs specifically for email/sms traffic. It’s expensive ($2-$10k per LP) and time-consuming (2-4 weeks per LP). Really unfortunate since we know LPs outperform traditional PDP CVR (why acquisition marketers invest so much into LPs).

We’ve built ways to make personalized Video LPs specifically for email/sms channels in <20min. We’ve made templates around core sms/email use cases.

In 9min, we created an abandoned cart Video LP for HexClad to show what this can look like.

Imagine you receive an abandoned sms/email from HexClad for the Hybrid Pan sitting in your cart…you click the link…now you see this beautiful video LP with NEW content + social proof instead of the same PDP you already saw and abandoned. Are you more likely to buy the Hybrid Pan now? Probably