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What we found after going through 500 brands' abandoned email/sms flows

Harris Gani
Harris Gani

We manually went through 500+ brands’ checkout flows and abandoned them last week.

68% of them sent zero abandonment messages (neither email nor sms) and 95% of them threw discounts at us left and right. Klaviyo studies have show that abandoned cart messages have the highest average open rates (34.5%) and revenue per recipient ($8.25).

We also interviewed 12 email / sms lifecycle marketers who said abandon cart messages consistently have their highest CVR.

Knowing this makes me wonder why most brands aren’t sending abandonment messages…seems like some low hanging fruit .

This exercise also taught me a valuable online shopping lesson. Next time you buy online I’d highly recommend the following procedure for a discounted item:

1. Add the item to your cart

2. Go to checkout

3. Input your email / phone number

4. Exit the checkout session and wait 1 week

5. High chance you’ll get an additional discount code to make you purchase (sometimes you’ll get higher discounts the longer you wait)